Tue, 30 November 2010
In this episode, Robert talks with Nati Shalom about the emergence of large-system architectures consisting of a grid of high-memory nodes.
Fri, 22 October 2010
This episode is about being a consultant in the software business.
Direct download: seradio-episode168-beingConsultant.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 9:37am CET
Sun, 26 September 2010
In this episode we talk with Kent Beck about automated unit testing and JUnit.
Direct download: seradio-episode167-kentBack.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 10:41pm CET
Wed, 18 August 2010
This time we have John Wiegand on the mic for an episode on architectures and agile software development. We talk about the role of architectures in an agile world and why architectures change and need to change over time. We discuss the characteristics of those living architectures, using the Eclipse and the Jazz projects as examples, and the surrounding development methods for such environments.
Fri, 16 July 2010
Dwight Merriman talks with Robert about the emerging NoSQL movement, the three types of non-relational data stores, Brewer's CAP theorem, the weaker consistency guarantees that can be made in a distributed database, document-oriented data stores, the data storage needs of modern web applications, and the open source MongoDB.
Direct download: seradio-episode165-noSqlMongoDb.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 7:54pm CET
Wed, 16 June 2010
This episode covers the topic of agile testing. Michael interviews Lisa Crispin as an practionier and book author on agile testing. We cover several topics ranging from the role of the tester in agile teams, over test automation strategy and regression testing, to continuous integration.
Thu, 3 June 2010
Announcement regarding the release cycle.
Direct download: seradio-episode163-stateOfTheUnion.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 8:37pm CET
Sun, 16 May 2010
Jay Kreps talks about the open source data store Project Voldemort. Voldemort is a distributed key-value store used by LinkedIn and other high-traffic web sites to overcome the inherent scalability limitations of a relational database. The conversation delves into the workings of a Voldemort cluster, the type of consistency guarantees that can be made in a distributed database, and the tradeoff between client and the server.
Direct download: seradio-episode162-projectVoldemort.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 10:29pm CET
Mon, 3 May 2010
In this episode, we discuss with Roman Pichler how Scrum impacts product management and how agile product management differs from traditional approaches. The topics covered include product owners on large projects and product owner teams, facilitating customer feedback through early and frequent releases, envisioning the product, and creating products with the minimum functionality. Enjoy!
Direct download: seradio-episode161-agileProductManagement.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 10:47am CET
Mon, 19 April 2010
This episode is a conversation with Ramnivas Laddad about aspect-oriented programming (AOP), Aspect J, and Spring AOP. We review the fundamental concepts of AOP, discuss AspectJ (an open source compiler that extends java with support for AOP), and cover the Spring Framework's proxy-based AOP system. Laddad also gives his thoughts on the use cases for AOP and where we are in the technology adoption curve, and updates on the state of the AspectJ project itself.
Direct download: seradio-episode160-aspectJ.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 9:06am CET
Mon, 5 April 2010
This episode is a conversation with Scott Meyers about the upcoming C++0x standard. We talk a bit about the reasons for creating this new standard and then cover the most important new features, including upport for concurrency, implicitly-typed variables, move semantics, variadic templates, lambda functions, and uniform initialization syntax. We also looked at some new features in the standard library.
Direct download: seradio-episode159-cPlusPlus0x.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 10:20pm CET
Mon, 22 March 2010
This episode is a coversation with Rich Hickey about his programming language Clojure. Clojure is a Lisp dialect that runs on top of the JVM that comes with - among other things - persistent data structures and transactional memory, both very useful for writing concurrent applications.
Direct download: seradio-episode158-clojure.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 8:56pm CET
Mon, 8 March 2010
Philip Zeyliger of Cloudera discusses the Hadoop project with Robert Blumen. The conversation covers the emergence of large data problems, the Hadoop file system, map-reduce, and a look under the hood at how it all works. The listener will also learn where and how Hadoop is being used to process large data sets.
Direct download: seradio-episode157-hadoop.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 7:51pm CET
Mon, 22 February 2010
This episode is part of our series on agile software development. We talk with David Anderson about Kanban, an agile software development method that is quite different from most of the other agile methods out there. We discuss the basic ideas behind Kanban, the differences between Kanban and Scrum and when and why projects can benefit from using Kanban. This episode is done in cooperation with the German magazine ObjektSpektrum (thanks for sharing this interview with us).
Mon, 8 February 2010
In this episode Johannes Link interviews Lasse Koskela - the author of "Test-Driven" - about test-driven development (TDD). We cover the basics, the rationale behind it and the challenges you face when doing it in more difficult environments.
Mon, 25 January 2010
This is a conversation with Ola Bini on his experimental language Ioke. We cover the idea behind the Ioke experiment as well as important language concepts and the thinking behind them.
Direct download: seradio-episode154-olaBiniOnIoke.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 7:16am CET
Mon, 11 January 2010
This episode is a conversation with Jan Bosch about product line engineering (PLE). Jan has worked in various roles and industries and academia in the context of product lines. In this episode we look at Jan's view of what is next for product lines: software ecosystems. What is their relationship to PLE and how should PLE change to remain relevant?
Direct download: seradio-episode153-janBosch.mp3
Category: Episodes
-- posted at: 7:31am CET